Monday, September 10, 2007

Techno Love

Last spring I was a happy camper. I was getting a new computer for my desk at school. Yippity damn skippity and all that jazz.

It came over the summer.

Our tech set it up.

I turned it on.

Bingo - error message!

I restarted and walla - I was humming along with the latest technology. At least I was until it was time to print something. Then the damn thing gave me another error message. No worries, another printer was added to my settings and I was able to create documents once again.

Bingo - another error message!

Again, life moved on after another restart.

However, printing became an issue again. The damn thing has a mind of its own. Periodically, I have to restart just to print. Somewhere in the midst of rebooting my comp realizes it's supposed to be nice and let me have my documents. It's a quirk, but one I shouldn't have to deal with on a new machine.

In the meantime, I've realized it has a crush on me. Yes, it chirps little chip-chip noises that sound sort of like a wolf whistle click thing. Nobody, including our tech, has a clue why it does that, but it goes on all day long. It's a quiet little computer whistle. I think it's just reminding me it's sitting there lonely and ignored and needing me to put my fingers on its keys and stroke it a wee bit. My computer must be male. *nod*

Today I had to print. Again the blasted thing refused unless I restarted. This time was different. The scary "official" looking message that appeared had me scurrying in search of the tech.

She checked it over and announced it was fine.

Yeah - I'm imagining all this crap.

I'm more than a bit ticked off and dreading the moment it completely crashes and burns and she tells me she didn't get a warranty on it or something equally lame. *insert seriously annoyed look here*

In the meantime, wish me luck. I think tomorrow it's going to ask me out.



Unknown said...

I think your computer wants to put it's hard drive into your parallel port.

Make sure you use protection...surge protection.

Dee Jay said...

*jots down notes*

I'll have to remember this sage advice. I don't log onto blogs from work anymore. *grumbles* I go through withdrawal now!

Damn, who knew a computer/person relationship could be so complicated?

Libertine said...

Your computer just has a bad attitude.

Kelly Ann said...

haha I am glad I am married to a computer nerd, or else I wouldn't be online right now! LOL

Melissa said...

That is frustrating isn't it? When something happens at our work, by the time the MIS people get into our department whatever was wrong has usually stopped because I get impatient and try all kinds of things myself!

Hang in there, oh and you didn't say, what will your answer be? hahaha

LMC said...

My computer at "the delivery company from hell" was afraid of our IT guy. When it mis-behaved all I had to do was tell the computer "I'm telling Dalton on you" and it would work like a charm.....They really are fickle creatures. I named mine B.O.B. (Big Old Box)

Dee Jay said...

Libertine - It does! I wish I could adjust it with a hammer!

Chica - I swear if I ever marry again, it will be to a computer nerd!

Melissa - I think Mr. Comp is feeling a bit shy. Perhaps it was the black stilettos I wore today. I'm sure it scared the beejeebers out of the comp!

LMC - LOL I may have to try that on this damn computer. Something drastic has to be done!